Friday, 5 June 2009

my new job

i really want to blog about my new job but seeing as i'm a civil servant i'm totally paranoid that somehow someone might read it and i'd get into trouble! (same thing with gordon brown / the labour party / the election / the cabinet resignations / expenses scandal etc.) BUT work is cool and everyone seems nice. i have a swipe card that i have to wear around my neck and use to get through the doors. it makes me feel cool - a bit like i'm in an episode of 24; i'm hoping they'll introduce thumbprint scanning soon. lol. oh there's this club thing i can join to get cheap EVERYTHING (cinema tickets, and loads of other cool things i can't remember). i have to go on a course next week about KEEPING SAFE and what to do if people get angry. i can progress and get promoted too.

i don't like getting up at 6:30am. i AM looking forward to PAYDAY.


  1. OHH and i can earn up to 4 days off each month with flexitime!

  2. Cool! Yeah, payday is always the best bit.

    I've just realised I haven't been promoted since 2002. I think I'm going to corner the managing director and ask to go from Software Engineer to Senior Software Engineer. Or I'll throw a strop...

  3. I used to be a civil servant, what are you doing? Can't say I miss it much but I did enjoy my namebadge, the endless strikes, my swipecard and being able to get away with murder.
