Tuesday, 14 July 2009

I am no longer vegetarian...

I am now vegan. I know that immediately this labels me in most people's eyes, but I can't help that.

I don't expect you to cook meals for me any more, Ali, Em or Mart! My reason for this change is because I realise that I have been living naively for four years...."free range" or "organic" do not mean "cruelty-free". They are labels that conjure up images of animals running free, but in reality they are money-spinning ideas where torture is still allowed as a law. The life of a dairy cow is a really miserable one - and then she gets slaughtered for fast food, anyway. I was a bit stupid to think that any "organic" food that the big supermarkets sold would originate from small, happy farms. I realised today, when I was at the train station, that I can no longer buy any snacks. No chocolate bars, no sandwiches. But this will save me money!

If you want to see the reasons why I have become vegan, google Earthlings the film. I think you can even view the whole horrific thing on youtube. You would not believe what we let happen behind closed doors. If you were aware, you wouldn't play a role in this cruelty.

I don't understand how people like to live in ignorance.


  1. I don't live in ignorance. The world sucks.

    People are suffering as well as animals.

    We've both picked our own battles.
    I have different ones...

    But you'll be pleased to hear Marie went veggie after watching the film...

  2. i understand, Mart, though i think if you don't agree with the killing of that meat, you don't buy it. similarly, if you don't agree with Indian sweatshop labour, you don't go into Primark and buy something there.
    this isn't about battles, but consciousness as a consumer.

  3. ok, i STILL haven't watched this. but i will.
