Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Linux thought

One of the reasons I use and advocate Linux is that it's fun.

This might sound odd (or just very geeky) to some, but there is a constant stream of good humour which runs through the Linux world which is far removed from the marketing and media obsessed proprietary alternatives.

I thought of that today when I found the new Linux kernel (2.6.30) is named "Man-Eating Seals of Antiquity". For no reason, other than it's funny...

In other news - an email today read "A staff photograph has been requested by Classical Music Magazine [...] Please could everyone please make sure they are on time and appropriately dressed."

Must make sure my hair is appropriately insane. Wonder where I put my nuts Goth shirt...


  1. hahah
    why does Classical Music mag want a photo of you guys?
    this could be Sally's 2nd claim to fame photo opportunity...

  2. They're doing an article on the company as it's been selling software to arts organisations and orchestras for 21 years now... (Of which I've been there for 8! Bloody hell, that's ages!)
